About Joan Manel Zamora photography
Joan Manel Zamora is a photographer based in Andorra specialized in: fine art photography, travel photography and commercial photography.
What started a few years ago as a hobby ended up being his main job in the Pyrenees. He specialized in several categories: fine art photography, commercial and sport; and adding part of his work on the blockchain creating nft with his works. He traveled to different countries in recent years to capture those unique and fleeting moments through his camera. In recent years he has traveled to Nepal, Morocco, Turkey and some European countries. For a couple of years he has been contributing to humanitarian projects with his brother which gave him a new perspective on our society. HUMANITARIAN PROJECTS CLICK HERE!
NFT & PRINTS By Joan Manel Zamora
limited digital edition NFT collection, non-fungible tokens, of some of my works of art, buy from metamask, walletconnect and onto wallet NFT Art store CLICK HERE
Printed version & merchandising clothing and accessories design CLICK HERE
Currently collaborating on various visual projects with: myceliumaudiovisuals.com
Oliver Kinchella
Mycelium audiovisuals is dedicated to creating quality videos for real estate companies, ads and videos of landscape environment, sports and rural areas visit the website for contact and more information
By Jm
publication of my work ABSTRACT in the magazine N°187 April 2023
from page 47
www.fotodng.com LINK HERE
publication of my work ABSTRACT in the magazine N°174 April 2021
from page 132
www.fotodng.com LINK HERE
publication, March 2021
this time in the art magazine , my work in black and white, abstract,
carcaraphotoart.com LINK HERE
Publication at N°163, March 2020, Morocco photo travel
and human project, start page 110
www.fotodng.com LINK HERE
Publication at N°156, August 2019,
Nepal serie 2
start page 116
www.fotodng.com LINK HERE
Joan Manel Zamora
El canillenc Joan Manel Zamora ha sigut sempre aficionat a la fotografia i des de fa uns sis anys que ha començat a exercir com a professional cobrint diversos esdeveniments. Ara realitza la seva primera exposició a Andorra amb una selecció de sis fotografies impreses en gran format que es podran veure al vestíbul del Bingo Stars fins al proper 10 de novembre. www.elperiodic.ad LINK HERE
“Sense bodes i comunions és difícil guanyar-se la vida”
Ha protagonitzat durant els últims dos mesos una exposició fotogràfica a la sala Bingo Star’s. Trenta-sis anys. Nascut a Girona però criat a Canillo, la fotografia sempre ha estat la seva passió, el seu ‘hobby’. Generalment retrata paisatges del país i la Vall d’Incles és el seu lloc preferit. www.diariandorra.ad LINK HERE
Primera exposició fotogràfica de ‘Bingo Art’
Les imatges sobre paisatges andorrans de l’artista Joan Manel Zamora es podran observar al vestíbul de Bingo Stars fins al 10 de novembre. www.ara.ad LINK HERE
Mycelium audiovisuals
is dedicated to creating quality videos for real estate .
Jose Piasintini
un sitio sin pretensiones donde mostrar mis fotos y los sitios donde me llevan mis pies.apasionado por la fotografia y autodidacta